Sunday, 18 September 2011

Club Flyer Task

 The whole class was set a task to make a unique Flyer of our own. We learnt how to start off properly selecting the right size and name. Instead of changing the name when saving and changing the size of the canvas at the end of the editing. First off i had to plan the information for my club like, the dates of when the Club is open, the opening times, the name,  ticket prices and the location of the club. After I had done all of this. I started by choosing the saved name, international paper then the size [A5] in this case and turn it 90* cw to make it landscape. Then we had to set a background image which we could start from, but we had to chose photos from the flicker website. The image had to fit the theme of the club. Then we started adding layers so we can come back and edit the file again. We also edited the photo's, after all of this i had to write the information on the page, I used the design tool to change the font of the writing and colour so make it stand out.

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